Last year (freshman year of college), I always felt like I was really struggling with making girl friends. No, I didn't rush because I didn't feel that was the way I wanted to make friends. Nothing against sororities or anything, they just weren't made for me. Anyways, as the year went on I kept adding close guy friends but still really hurting in the girl department. By Christmas break, I realized that those friends that everyone says you'll meet in college and be best friends with for the rest of your life still hadn't fallen into my life...and that was hard. Yes, I had plenty of friends, but no group yet that I felt really hit a core piece of me. Therefore, I considered spring rush..I didn't follow through with that consideration. So, I considered doing rush fall of my sophomore year. As the year went on, I realized that still wasn't in my plans, but I still wasn't feeling a huge connection yet. By the end of the year, I can easily say my number of close guy friends doubled my number of close girl friends.
Now, here we are sophomore year. The first week of school was recruitment for the girls going through rush. Although I didn't go through official rush, I feel like I went though my own rush. This week I genuinely feel like I have found those girls who share those same core values, interests, humor, compassion, etc. Not saying we are all identical, but we share a common bond that I feel is essential for maintaining relationships. It is funny how God works. He had them all in front of my face last year, but nothing had clicked to make me realize that these were the girls who He would put it my life. Maybe He did that for a reason though. I had a year of really searching for those certain friends and truly desiring that bond. Now, all the sudden they seem to have been presented on a silver platter. I am so grateful for such amazing Christian women in my life and I can't wait to continue growing with them.
Funny thing is, my sister told me that these girls were like me and she saw them as people I would be close with. Sure enough, Allison is right.
The one thing I hope to gain this year is a woman mentor. How I am going to find a woman to mentor me in my life remains a mystery. This is one of my biggest prayers of the year: to find a woman of God to disciple me and teach me how to live as a woman of God as well. True, I have Allison and my mom as amazing examples of what this looks like, but I feel that it is entirely different when you look at someone outside of your family. Although I feel impatient, I have to remember that if God wants me to have a mentor, He will provide one, just like he graciously provided me a beautiful group of girls.
God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Corinthians 1:9
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