Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Hands of Christ

Here is a series of pictures from the weeks I have had the pleasure to work on Mr. Jose's house. 

Joseph working in the bathroom
where we put sheet rock on the ceiling.

Mae sanding down the mud and tape
lines in the bedroom.

Sal helping me put sheet rock on the
ceiling of the bedroom.
Volunteers Sammy and Jase helping drill into
concrete and screw boards into the wall so
that we can hang up sheet rock.
Teaching the Sophie, Catherine, Abby, and Amy
about liquid nails so that we can add additional
support to the boards.
The sweet girls presenting our homeowner with the
scrapbook they made.

Boards up, ready for sheet rock.

Megan getting messy as she mud and tapes the corners.
Grant and Bailey showing the shelf they made in the
bathroom in front of the wall they helped put up! 
Justin, Grant, Georgia, Bailey, and Megan mudded,
painted, put in floor boards, and helped
put the bathroom back together.
Zach, Grant, Alex, and Mackenzie did a
great job tearing off tiles and replacing them
with tub surround.
They did everything from priming, to nailing
in baseboards to caulking.

Overall, these teams have been so open to learning new skills that we needed to do the jobs done on this house. They have all been such a blessing to not only our homeowner but to me as well as they remained patient when I was making decisions or helping others with their tasks. So excited to see what the next group is capable of next week and what all we can get done together! I hope that next week my group has the team work that all the other teams this summer have had! What a joy it is to hear "Whats going to work? TEAM WORK!" while working.

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