Saturday, July 21, 2012

The Hands of Christ

Here is a series of pictures from the weeks I have had the pleasure to work on Mr. Jose's house. 

Joseph working in the bathroom
where we put sheet rock on the ceiling.

Mae sanding down the mud and tape
lines in the bedroom.

Sal helping me put sheet rock on the
ceiling of the bedroom.
Volunteers Sammy and Jase helping drill into
concrete and screw boards into the wall so
that we can hang up sheet rock.
Teaching the Sophie, Catherine, Abby, and Amy
about liquid nails so that we can add additional
support to the boards.
The sweet girls presenting our homeowner with the
scrapbook they made.

Boards up, ready for sheet rock.

Megan getting messy as she mud and tapes the corners.
Grant and Bailey showing the shelf they made in the
bathroom in front of the wall they helped put up! 
Justin, Grant, Georgia, Bailey, and Megan mudded,
painted, put in floor boards, and helped
put the bathroom back together.
Zach, Grant, Alex, and Mackenzie did a
great job tearing off tiles and replacing them
with tub surround.
They did everything from priming, to nailing
in baseboards to caulking.

Overall, these teams have been so open to learning new skills that we needed to do the jobs done on this house. They have all been such a blessing to not only our homeowner but to me as well as they remained patient when I was making decisions or helping others with their tasks. So excited to see what the next group is capable of next week and what all we can get done together! I hope that next week my group has the team work that all the other teams this summer have had! What a joy it is to hear "Whats going to work? TEAM WORK!" while working.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Be a Spoon

Tonight may be one of the highlights of my summer. Have you ever been in a room of middle school students in total worship to God? Tears were spilling, noses were sniffing, hands were writing, etc. Scott, our speaker, decided on a spontaneous worship session after the message. He asked everyone to spread out around the room and focus on what God wants to change in each of our lives and what does that look like in our lives individually. His message tonight overviewed Psalm 101 in which David writes of his aspirations to praise God in every way. Scott talked about a part of this Psalm the past three nights and tied it up tonight. The Holy Spirit was extremely evident in the message tonight as it seemed to register fully with the entire sanctuary of students and leaders. You know that feeling when you know God truly has His hand in something? Well, thats what it felt like, and everyone felt it. Over and over my only thought was "God is CRAZY!" Not crazy in a bad way at all, but crazy as in amazing, huge, unfathomable. Trying to even imagine God's greatness is simply not plausible, and that is the beauty of it.

Dwight invited the students to remain in the chapel to pray or think or anything they felt they needed to do instead of leaving. Many left, but quite a few stayed. I stayed. One, because seeing God work in the lives of others is beautiful. Watching one girl cling to the front wall, which holds the cross, weeping, completely ridding herself of inhibitions and humbling herself before God was one of the most powerful sights I have seen this summer. Another reason I stayed was to talk to anyone who needed an ear, an encouraging word, a shoulder. A couple girls, in particular, I approached and asked if I could pray with/for them. Such a tender moment for me when they allowed me to pray for them. It didn't hit me until I returned to my seat how much I have grown in Christ. It is truly amazing that I now am filled with enough confidence to overflow the Christ in my life to others. I feel like I am finally realizing what it means to advance the Kingdom of God in the world.

My version of David's Psalm 101 is filled with aspirations to be a leader in Christ, to not only be a disciple, but one who disciples others as well, and also to be someone who can pour love, knowledge and wisdom into the lives of others. As I have seen over and over this summer, I was privileged growing up not because God loves me in particular, but that God loves His children. I am called to take what I have, whether that be material things or not, and give them and share them with others. For example, God has graced me with a positive outlook on others, not for me to keep to myself, but to share through smiles, hugs, words, and encouragement. 

Another part of my Psalm 101 is not limiting the gospel. The gospel is for everyone. By everyone I mean my neighbor, the student I sit next to in class, the man behind the cash register, and people in Asia, Africa, Europe, the Americas, Antarctica: EVERYONE. The gospel seems to have become limited to words said instead of through the lifestyle of those who claim Christ as their Savior-that needs to change. The story and truth of Christ changes the way we act as it is an overflow from what we know is true inside of us spilling to reach those around. 

So, what does this look like? A boy this week wore a shirt this week that said "Be a spoon. Spoons serve." And that is exactly what my Psalm 101 looks like. Being a spoon.

Ephesians 6:7 
Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Confidence is Key

Best weekend in San Antonio so far.

Friday after we got off work, Reed, Doug, and I watched Reed's younger brother Jase play baseball. Jase is a very big help around Blueprint. Not only does he bring tools and supplies to us at the sites, he does it everyday with a smile. He is a constant support to us while we are working and it was great to finally be able to support him back.

Saturday I FINALLY slept in. After hanging around the house for half the day, Karen and I went out and about around an awesome outside mall called the Quarrey Market. However, the best part of Saturday was going to the Mission's baseball game with everyone. They are the AA team here in San Antonio located very close to Lakeland Air Base (we saw a lot of guys in their blue uniforms--really neat). Since it was only a AA game, there was a lot of entertainment mixed in between the innings, the favorite was the Puffy Taco Race--a little boy chased a person in a Puffy Taco costume. Only in Texas.

"I think I broke my collar bone." (The big rifle)
Sunday-Monday afternoon we spent at Reed's family's land about an hour and a half outside of SA. They refer to their ranch as Paradise Springs because they have a few springs on their land, one of which supplies water to their entire ranch house (pretty neat).  Also, it is paradise. Such an awesome escape from the world of cell phones. I did a lot of things I had never done before: driven a four wheeler myself (I did need Karen's assistance on when to shift), shoot a compound bow, shoot shotguns (I hit the clay pigeons), and shoot rifles (which we had stationary targets that I hit as well). I still cannot believe I shot a gun. I hadn't hit a clay pigeon with the shotgun yet so Doug was playing backup with the other gun for when I missed. However, I finally told him "I'm not going to need you this time." Sure enough, I hit the clay pigeon: Confidence is key- just like Austin Fullbright always says.  Besides our adventures, we really had a great deal of bonding time. We cooked, ate, played games, watched the Sandlot, and really just enjoyed each others' company.

Everyone this summer has really helped me grow in a number of reasons whether they realize it or not. Through a number of trials and events, I have learned to be confident in myself. Whether that is with fixing a roof or praying out loud, I have learned that I can be confident because Christ gives me the strength to do all things (Phil 4:13).  Coming into this summer one of my biggest concerns was inability because I am a girl. However, as the summer continues, I am learning that I am very capable to do the things the guys can do. Clearly, they can lift heavier things, but I don't need to feel incapable in comparison. Instead, I am also experiencing differences in gifts and talents. We truly need everyone to create the body of Christ. "For as in one body we have many members, and the members do no all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another."-Romans 12: 4-5 What a blessing that we are all so different.

Overall, so thankful still for all the Lord has blessed me with this summer. These memories and lessons will mark my life forever.