I have complied a good amount of pictures for my cliche review of the past year. However, I feel that this is the most effective way I can portray the joys and adventures I have had throughout 2013. Enjoy!
Happy Birthday! Balloon in a box and overalls! |
Second place in coed Ultimate Frisbee! |
Spring Break Trip to Isle of Palms, SC with awesome friends! |
Easter in Atlanta with the family! |
Graduation Season:
Cru Seniors at the senior banquet! |
Allison and Dennis graduated! |
Well. I got a perm!
Allison's best friend, Kasi, got married! |
Experienced my first rodeo! |
Spent a second summer serving at Blueprint Ministries in San Antonio!
Concordia Church at Ms. G's! |
Ignite Summit: Team Manning
Experienced true car troubles getting stranded in
Middle of No Cellphone Service, Texas! |
Got gunk stuck in my eye lashes at work and had to pull a lot out! :/ |
Interns 2013--such a blessing! |
We met with cousin Sarah in Austin on our way home! |
Spent a week experiencing Memphis Reed-style!
Ignite Serves: Team Fulmer
2 year Friendship Anniversary with my lovely college family! |
2 sweet roommates and wonderful new neighbor and friend! |
Finding murals with Reed in Memphis over Fall Break! |
The incredible Bible study I lead with my two best friends! |
Wedding in Texas with Reed and his friends! |
Thanksgiving in Pigeon Forge/ Gatlinburg! |
The 2014 Ignite Student Directors--so excited to serve alongside these 3! |
We decorated our very own tree! |
Christmas Season:
Christmas Day sibling run--this is monumental! |
Andy is at YALE for grad school and Christen works there! |
Everyone together! The cherry on top for the year! |