After a week and a half of training, learning Blueprint policies, how to do flooring, roofing, and power washing, cleaning out the tool shed, restocking tool boxes, visiting Home Depot, and delivering supplies, it is time for the first group to come. They are getting here tonight around 10:20, good thing because the Spurs are playing right now! (Can't have anyone disrupting the viewing of the game).

Our first group consists of middle school students who will be painting a total of 6 houses. I had the pleasure of both power washing the houses and dropping painting supplies off at the houses. By pleasure, I mean that I have been able to see the faces of the homeowners light up with excitement of the reality of getting their house painted. I watched one woman's face increasingly light up as Doug explained that not only will we be coming within the next week, but also that we are doing it for free. Acts 20:35 says it "It is more blessed to give than to receive." How true that is! I pray that the campers coming find this to be true as well. As a ministry, I hope that we are both able to be a light in the community, but also be a light to the youth coming to serve.
Apart from the ministry we have for others, Deedee has made sure that we, too, are being replenished spiritually. This Monday the nine of us went to a river ranch about 45 minutes away from San Antonio. Here, we not only just had a day of play, but also an amazing day of fellowship as we really got to know each other personally. We speed prayed with each other, which was essentially the same idea as speed dating in that we took turns with each person. Together, we discussed prayer requests and concerns. It was so powerful in bringing us together as a family. Aside from the serious talks that day, we truly were able to enjoy each other whether we were sitting around eating or floating down the river on tubes. It helped solidify just how truly blessed I am to be surrounded by such a fun and encouraging group of people.
Outside of the Blueprint activities, we have gone to Monster Mini golf, bowling, San Marcos, HEB, out to eat, watched the Spurs games, gone to church, sharing 3 pound cinnamon rolls ( looked like a loaf of bread) and stayed connected when not together through texting, Hey Tell, Twitter, and Facebook. Not only have I gotten to know our immediate group better throughout this, but also a wonderful young adult group at the church, called The Park, we will go to throughout the summer. The amount of relationships I have already formed is amazing. God works in many ways and I am thrilled to continue seeing how he works through all these people now in my life.
To summarize my past week, I have officially caught Texas Fever. I cannot imagine leaving these people I am becoming so close to or leaving this town that I am weaving myself into. As I have heard and said many times, Texas Forever.